>>41207090>XY>"This is way too easy and there's a lot less to do than the last few games and I don't really like this 3D style, but it's their first attempt at 3D on handheld and I bet that took up a lot of their time. It'll probably be better on the next one.">ORAS>"This doesn't feel as fun as Emerald, and no Battle Frontier? I was so looking forward to this, but this is the most disappointing remake yet. Maybe gen 8 will be better.">SM>"Well it's a little better than XY I guess, but they haven't improved anything and these cutscenes are out of hand. Not much to do after the story either.. maybe the next one.">USUM>"This is almost identical to SM, way more than any other 3rd/sequel version, what was the point? I only bought it to help finish my national dex I guess. At least I can breed some more mons and shiny hunt a bit to prepare to port stuff for the next games.">LGPE>"Looks like it's for Pokemon Go kids, doesn't seem worth $60 at all, I'll pass.">SwSh>JUSTI feel defeated. I don't really feel like going back to the good DS games even since I know the road ahead may not be worth walking anymore, and that connectivity to the latest game has always been a big deal to me. Both to port up my bros itself and that feeling of you're not just messing around on an old game, but it still contributes to the current games too.