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Okay, so... a LOT has happened. Good things, bad things, all as I approach the foot of Victory Road...
Progress: First, joys were to be had, as I finally got to rub my authority over that sore loser, Clair (and at most, a 6 out of 10). The Kingdra was a joint effort to destroy, slaughtering poor Magnor with a Hydro Pump, while LA Blue Girl, Game Gyaru, and Mr. Bibby worked together to destroy it.
After watching Clair throw a tantrum far worse than Whitney's, it was worthless side-trip time--to Bell Tower, where I used the Master Ball from Elm to capture the Ho-oh. Ho-oh's resting comfortably in its own private box, called the "Ho-Box".
And now the way to Kanto is open, and new friends were found--including a stand-in for Flutters. Buckley's was seeded by a Bulbasaur, his big brother danced the dance of petals and crit, and like a lozenge, that Ivysaur sucked Buckley's DRY, until nothing was left. As for Flutters, a Surf-barrage from a Vaporeon, and an untimely sand attack drowned the bird--taking away her power, because she wasn't real.
Victory Road awaits.