>>54315690>Still throwing a baby tantrumImagine getting so autistically mad, you decided to make this image, as if this is your crowning "GOTCHA" moment. You've become so delusional you've decided to believe your own truth. Genning is simply not part of the game. It's a third party program designed to give you an advantage. Sure you can Gen all you want, it will always remain illegal, and if you get caught that's on (you). It doesn't matter how much bitch and moan and spend time writing essays on a korean image board. You aren't above the rules. Rules you agreed to follow when you decide to play official VGC tournaments. It's that simple.
This whole things is pointless. If Genning is so easy, then these rules shouldn't matter. Hell, it shouldn't matter if they decide to enforce them either. But sitting here and demanding the games to change drastically to cater to ((you)) is full blown retardation. Play the games or play Showdown. If you want to Gen, that's on you. That's all that really needs to be said.