>>55907858Jangmo-o is one of the biggest cock teases of them all. When I saw that thing revealed, I got extremely excited because it looked so cool and felt like its evolutions would go in a very fresh direction for Dragon type pseudos. I remember speculation at the time being that it would become part Steel and maybe stay quadrupedal, becoming something like a Stegosaurus or giant armored dino. But fuckin nope! Just another human-shaped bipedal dragon with an unaesthetically pleasing final form and some stupid gimmick. I like that it is at least Fighting type, but like every pseudo after Garchomp and Hydreigon it just feels like they're trying too hard to make these pseudo legendary Pokémon all fit within a very specific mold that would recapture the glory of the originals but constantly failing. I feel like Bax is pretty close to the spirit of something like a Salamence or Chomp, but it still feels a little off. I just don't think they've made a good pseudo in years honestly