Quoted By:
>Go to gamestop to pick up a shone giratina with one of my friends
>Take DS Im a bit of a poorfag out of pockets an turn it on
>My friend takes out his 3ds XL
>Look around a bit, see a group of people, probably high school students
>The one who looks like the popular guy asks another one who I can't see if he has gotten what he was here for.
>"Yeah" the other one replies, "Alright then we can go" the popular one says
>As I see the group walking out, I saw who the popular one was talking too
>It was a person dressed like pic related
>Me and my friend start snickering like little girls
>Notice I have my Heartgold cartridge in my DS and not my Black 2
>Didn't get a giratina that day.
Also a week earlier when I was picking up a shiny Palkia I saw a short girl dressed as Red.