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/vp/, I had an idea for a Competitive Pokemon Search Engine.
Basically you have a website where you can put in a few variables and get a return on any Pokemon that meets the requirements.
For example, let's say I want to create a rain team. I decide that my team is missing counters for Dark and Steel types, and additionally want to utilize a Pokemon that can take advantage of rain with its ability.
The website has multiple text boxes (like if you did an Advanced search in Google). In the Ability section I type "Rain", which automatically includes any abilities that activate in rain (Rain Dish, Swift Swim, Dry Skin, etc.). I also could have individually typed "Rain Dish or Dry Skin;" etc. The words "and" and "or" are important here, as it allows me to expand or narrow my search as I need.
I then go to the Type section and type in "Fighting" (to combat Dark and Steel). I then hit Search. The site returns a couple of Pokemon but nothing that exactly fits what I need. I refine my search. Now in the Playstyle section I type "Bulky and Special Attack" telling the website I'm looking for a mon that can take a hit while being offensively special. I also erase everything in the Type field and scroll to the "Moves" field. There I type "Fighting", which will return any Pokemon that can learn a Fighting-type move through lvl up, breeding, TMs, etc. (I also could have typed in specific moves). This time I hit Search and get a few different returns. Blastoise shows up. The site highlights his bulky stats and higher special attack (even a difference of 2 is enough for my query), Rain Dish as a hidden ability, and that he can learn Fighting moves like Focus Blast, Brick Break, etc. I decide he will be my new team member.
A simple example, but this could help with complex queries (e.g. is there a mon that learns Dragon Dance and Baton Pass w/ Speed Boost?). Thoughts on this?