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I apologize since this is a little bit off topic, but, I feel this is the right place to ask. I'm an autistic person who tends to keep a very large chart of his favorite Pokemon of each type. I usually use sprites to represent each one, as in Picture related. As you all know X/Y has thrown sprites out of the way, making it difficult to really use sprites for Generation six mons, yet alone Megas. I know there are a few projects working on it, such as the XY Sprite Project, however, they work at a snail's pace. So I've come to ask a question: what do I do to make it so I can keep my chart up to date much easier? Should I just bite my tongue and use the models even though I have a disliking for them? I don't HATE models directly in game, but, standing still they look ugly to me.Not to mention some of them are absolute shit, I'm looking at you Salamence. I also feel like I could use artwork, fan or official, as well, but, I know I'd have to completely redesign the chart I made to the left. I don't really see an option between these two, so, I ask for your opinion on the matter. I'll take any suggestion or idea into consideration.