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So XYZ 41 is 3 episodes later.
So by XYZ 39, Ash is already hypnotized/knocked out. It'd be odd to not see Serena already worried, but whatever, let's assume there's nothing.
Then there's an entire other episode, XYZ40, where Lysandre "shows strong interest in Ash and Greninja." I mean, there has to be something here. Ash can't possibly be captured for both episodes, and I doubt Serena is doing jackshit. It's only until the next summary in the next episode that she gets the objective to help Manon. But at the absolute worst, ash would at least be saved by the first half of XYZ 41. This still leaves a half episode for Serena to have a new objective other than "muh satoshi" and go help manon since they seemed to bond on a minimum level when manon finally returned.
I mean, it sounds lame, but summaries always leave out the juicy details. None of this really says all that much because who the fuck knows what's gonna happen. But whatever, I only truly expect a standard good-bye ending so the fuck does it matter.