>>56123222Dragon Frontiers I think was the hardest to sort, almost everything is rocks and there's little to no distinction between the two main islands and whatever other islands weren't shown.
I counted the cards where I can recognize the floating island; 22 cards and the JP pack art, a little over a quarter of the Pokémon in the set both with and without the theme decks.
In order read from the sorted list:
>Totodile, Ledyba, Wooper, JP Pack Art>Ralts, Shelgon, Heracross, Pinsir>Arbok, Electabuzz, Nidoqueen, Dragonair, Xatu, Pupitar, Lickitung, Nidoking, Meganium, Swellow, Vibrava>Typhlosion, Snorlax, Vulpix, NidorinaSome others may have it given how hard it is to tell the perspective at times, examples including Togepi and Mantine.