Realistically, how does gen 5 compete with 10/10 kino designs like this?
Only the likes of Volcarona can compare, and yet gen 6 still has a plethora of designs of this quality.
>>33560117>All of your criticisms just say "They look like shit. They look like shit because they are shit." There is nothing of value to digest from your arguments. Aside from shit, anyways.lmao I'm not going to go through 150+ designs pointing out why they're all dog shit designs.
Somebody asked me why Golurk is shit and I elaborated further, but since you wrote that drivel while teary eyed as fuck because your garbage gen got called out, you conveniently didn't see that.
>Almost as childish as continuously posting unrelated smug anime pictures that make your ego look even more inflated.Getting triggered by anime girls on 4chan is the sign of a newfag and a child.
Time to pack up and head back 2 reddit.
>>33560122>But Golurk is realistic, or, atleast as realistic as the Pokémon you just listed.It doesn't look even remotely realistic. It looks like it's made of plastic and had paint spilled over it. Everything I listed is based on real shit and doesn't have worthless overdesigned shite thrown all over its design.
>>33560139Hydreigon looks like shit though. I know it's your favorite pokemon so you're adamantly defending it but this is just embarrassing tbqhwy.
Once again gen 5 takes a solid design premise and butchers it.
How you take a great concept like a Hydra and fuck it up is a mystery, and yet gen 5 manages to completely ruin it anyway.
Hydreigon looks like they got bored of designing everything below its heads. Speaking of which its heads look like sock puppets. Absolutely shit.
>>33560140>Yes, the grown-ups here are childish, and most of us have childish tastes.Just because you prefer the childish designs in pokemon doesn't mean I do. All of my favorite designs are refined as fuck.
Childhood is liking gen 5 garbage.
Adulthood is prefering gen 6 kino.
Dragalge is flawless