>>27152834Every penny paid, every eulogy spoke, every blogpost written, every design created and forced upon the world that enforces the upkeep of artistic, bodily, spiritual, and human rubbish is, and can only be, a sacrifice of the greater for the sake of the worse, and if any creator of desirable things decide that they must, in order to conform to the economic and social demands placed upon them by this invisible hand of Christian and Socratic sentiments, as an artist: redirect their subject of their work, their art style, or cease working altogether; as a teacher: to switch their teaching to conform to the common curriculum and remove all that may be offensive and out of reach to those who are lesser in aptitude; Or as a mother or father, to follow the same lessons taught by the moralist or the agitator, or to even curtail their family to meet the national disbursement for tasteless and besotted “people”, we plainly kill the best to save the worst.
But this cannot be the case, because we cannot bring ourselves to follow such hateful words? And why? For human beings are involved? Numbskull! Thus only human consequences can arise!