>>49815138I think I know who you are talking about.
This is what I learned from playing as HOOPA with experience as a Blissey/support main.
Even if you go HSH Hoopa, teammates will still not use the portal to rotate or assist Hoopa if you put it directly on the goal. So anons are blowing Hoopa being OP out of proportion because SoloQ will always be hell.
HSH is actually detrimental during Zap because you basically have 1 dead move slot because if teammates go back to home base to recover, Zap coin flip can be killed in that short time or a teammate may touch the HSH and a forced warp is occurred. (Do not put HSH on top of Zap if your team has melee mons!!!!)
Best way to Play Hoopa SoloQ is Trick/shadow ball because like Blissey, Hoopa is forcibly following its lanner/giving shields. Plus the double shadow balls/low cooldown 4.5 secs is really good damage for team fights without even using any glasses/specs.
Smoke is Hoopa best item but Eject button/X-speed is good to.
BB, Focus band, Score shield or AMP is the best items. Depending on which you like more you can replace Focus Band or Score shield for AMP. Muscle band is honestly meh on Hoopa.
HSH is only good for team ups not SoloQ but even than it can fail if the team has 2 dead weights who don't rotate.