>>34777919Abilities, new Pokémon, the special physical split, being able to have more than one viable move on most Pokémon (No gen 2 movepool syndrome) old mechanics/flaws being fixed like the speed hack shit and hyper beam in Gen 1 etc it goes on. Even the addition of running shoes is a big boost to my overall enjoyment. Graphics are a huge factor as well. It was nice to see Kanto remade with colour and some detail on the environments.
Really it's just business though. Pokémon has been going for 20 years and each year a new wave of kids join the fandom. Kids who don't know what Snorlax is, or Dragonite, or Ninetales etc. As a company, why would you not repackage some of the most popular Pokémon and games you've ever created to try and recreate their success with a generation who don't know they exist?
Just accept that the franchise doesn't belong to you. Everyone posting on this board is ancient as far as GF is concerned. They're not "pandering" by remaking old games and including Gen 1 Pokémon in the new games. They're making smart use of existing assets to exploit a new wave of fans; no need to design anything new but still get to present it as new content. It's a win/win for them and you should expect more of it.