>>43199562As a kid I always picked Mudkip so Wattson was never memorable to me. A couple of years ago when I was replaying Emerald for the first time in forever I went with Treecko. By the time I reached Wattson I also had Kirlia and some oher Hoennmon. I remembered Wattson being pretty easy so I just went in without any further preparation. Dude was fucking brutal. His Voltorb would just blow itself up and take one down with him. His Magneton resists almost anything because of steel, confuses and paralyzes you, deals consistent damage with Sonic Boom and can't be evasion cheesed due to shock wave. As if that wasn't bad enough motherfucker comes out with an even higher leveled Manectric that just outspeeds and kills everything. He basically has two aces. I'm convinces that if Marshtomp wasn't part ground Wattson in Emerald would be remembered as one of the hardest gym leaders and would be memed as much as Whitney.