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Posted this in /v/ and was told to post here:
Hello 4chan peoples, just sarted work on a new pokemon team and would appreciate advice/suggestions n what i'm doing with it
Greninja (Leftovers;Protean)
-Toxic Spikes
Blaziken (Blazikenite;Speed Boost)
-Baton Pass
-Night Slash
-Swords Dance
-Blaze Kick
Altaria (Draco Plate;Natural Cure)
-Dragon Dance
-Dragon Pulse (Considering Dragon Claw due to high ATK stat)
Sylveon (Pixie Plate;Cute Charm)
-Calm Mind
-Moon Blast
(Love this thing, its been a great tank believe it or not, but i've always been unsure what moves to put on it)
Cradily (???;Storm Drain)
-Spit Up
Nidoking (Life Orb;Rivalry)
-Power Up Punch