What is Pokenchi? Read this info guide:
http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?646717-Pok%E9nchi-(Gathering-in-the-Pokemon-House-)-Discussion-Thread THEME SONG:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6Eh4djMATM Today:
>It's Been Decided that Shokotan is Going to be an Animator for the "Pokémon Sun & Moon" Anime, so She Makes Her Way into the Production Company That Creates the Anime! Stream at:
https://ok.ru/video/1005196156545 Alternate stream at:
http://tvvtvv.com/tv_20.html Starts in 2 hours 30 minutes. Are your bodies ready?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cwgi_2hOi4U >It's been decided that Shokotan is going to be an animator for the "Pokémon Sun & Moon" anime. She makes her way into the animation production company to get experience among actual professionals?!>And we also get a battle between Hyadain and a Pokénd. >Summary:>It's been decided that Shokotan is going to be an animator for the "Pokémon Sun & Moon" anime, and now she's finally starting her work for real!! She makes her way into the production company that creates the anime! But it turns out animation isn't something you can approach lightly?! Shokotan gets super nervous in this strict and serious professional workplace?! We also get shocking news from the director of "Sun & Moon"! Will we witness the birth of the world's first ever animator who's also singing the show's ending theme?!>We also get a Pokémon battle between Hyadain and a Pokénd! And Hyadain gets put in quite a spot?!