>>26914138Yeah, SMD is pretty great, my favorite in the series. Here's what I want in the next game:
-More starters(all the starters from RT and Sky, with a few extras). I don't care if the portrait or animation quality suffers, I just want something more than "starters+mascots". I don't know how the personality test would work, but I wouldn't miss it if they got rid of it. I know the test has a lot of fans so they'd probably find some way to make it work.
-Random missions in addition to the Connection Orb, as well as normal recruiting. I don't like how I can only get 1 of each mon and how evolving anyone basically ruins your save.
-More of a focus on characters rather than tweests. By the end of Explorers, I felt close to the partner and Grovyle. In Super, the only character I cared about was the partner, and only a little bit.
-Balance. I want to be able to fight enemies on my own. Nerf wands, nerf emeras, nerf guest members, don't let me recruit a goddamned level 50 Salamence at the start of the game. Then the enemy levels can come back down and I can have a fair fight rather than a special effect spam-fest.
-Don't let me boost to 255 so easily. In Super, ranking up gives you a billion gold bars, and if you spend them all on vitamins you become an untouchable god of death. Sky has a similar problem with gummis but at least gummis are rare.
-More variety in dungeons. Take a look at Shiren. There are only 30 floors(in the main game), but it covers a lot of ground(premade maps, an outdoor map, the trial floors with loads of traps). Each floor has a unique set of enemies with interesting effects. It's a bit harder to make the enemies interesting in Pokemon, but I'd love to see some weird dungeon gimmicks.
Can't think of anything else. It's a good game.
If they decide to make the next game smaller in scale, I'd actually like to see a PMD/Shiren crossover. It sounds kind of stupid but I think it could work.