Sorry for the delay. Went outside with family. It was nice. Elite 4 went pretty easy, Master Zhan pretty much carried until Drake. Few close calls but nothing crazy important.
Vs. Steven
>Nelly lands a Thunder for the killAggron
>No great swtiches, go for Charm>Survive Earthquake>Go for another Charm>Switch to Hawes>Misclick and go for Blizzard>It freezes>No fucking wa->Immediately dethaws and kills with Thunder>Damnit>Set up with Master Zhan>Brick BreakClaydol
>ez Shadow BallMetagross
>Shadow Ball leaves like 1/4 hp>Hyper Beam>RIP Master Zhan, gone but not forgotten>Dumbass has to recharge>ERUPTIONArmaldo
>Think I'm faster than it>Survive a Water Pulse because Armaldo has shit for Special Attack but do no damage>Should have gone Overheat or Rock Slide>Let Wily deal with it>Despite missing some Will-O-Wisps eventually knock it out>Takes forever because he keeps using Full Restores>He deadass used all four of his Full Restores on this motherfucker>Not really different from what I'm doing desuCradily
>Burn, confuse, and hand off to Vesuvius>Think I'm faster again>Still wrong>Used Overheat this time>Only does about half damage but combined with statuses is pretty significant>Craidily thinks Giga Drain will save it>Earthquake killsSo it's over! Sapphire's next, and I think I have an interesting idea for the new rule.
>>43678243Yeah Shedinja takes damage from hazards. Can't wait to see you use it, it's an interesting choice.