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How gay and situational is this? What even is Dondozo's doubles stat spread? The mistake, I think (I think *now*—although I question my opinion later in this very same paragraph) is gonna be trying to get rid of Tatsugiri with its Protect and Endure. Or maybe I'm stupid and just hit Tatsu with the following strategy instead (see—I told you), expecting a Protect turn 1 instead of Endure.
The totally normal and generally useful Jolly Phantom Force Power Herb Dragapult (24.6-29.1%) is used to break Protect, followed by Adamant Booster Energy Iron Hands Wild Charge (77.7-92%) to OHKO Max HP/SpD Dondozo 100% of the time.
Max HP/Def Dondozo (PF Jolly 18-24.1%, Adamant 19.8-23.4%; WC 57.5-68.2%) will not die. Ask your opponent politely when the game starts what their Dondozo's stats are, and if they're stacked in Def, ensure them you do not have any moves that break Protect to ensure Tatsugiri uses Protect instead of Endure. Write in chat, "I can't wait to use Fake Out on this stupid Tatsugiri. Sushi is a false flag Chinese construct," then act confused and either say, "oh wrong chat," or, "wow, it's a 4chan anonymous hacker saying things on my account again." Asking nicely for intel is the key to victory in any conflict, and acting dumb is the key to life in general.
If this is too gay and situational, and if Dondozo runs max Def, how about running Power Herb Unburden Drifblim with Phantom Force and Haze alongside the Iron Hands? Is that even more gay and situational? I hate my life. You won't OHKO Dondozo, but you'll get it into KO range, outspeed with Drifblim's Haze turn 2, and finish the KO with Iron Hands. Then you just have the shrimp dick to deal with, but, like all shrimp dicks, he is full of toxins and will soon disintegrate.