>>48926935I've been wanting to review this set of fakedex for a while now, because I think it's a set of interesting and generally-well crafted would-be Pokemon. Some of my other thoughts.
>You've got the basic "Pokemon look" down and I love some of your bolder color schemes.>Some of these fakemon I adore primarily due to how different they are. Special mentions go to the Chupupi, Skwyrm, Kitcense, Nanalug, Meatyan, Aguantot, Wispixi, Greaseling, Fairby, Steenail, Deprella and Kuritkai lines.>Even some of the fakemon I still think had less-than-stellar execution still partially win me over on concept alone. These include Nosemore, Automobeetl, and what I believe is the Inspero line.>Horrordon could stand to have its teal color lightened a tad. Otherwise, it's perfectly serviceable for me.>The Snostot line is okay with the exception of Snostot itself. It looks like its center of gravity is so off-kilter that it's almost not plausible as a biological creature. I think either removing the rump or moving its hind legs back a bit would help immensely.>Hotspine's fine, but Heatite is just a little too simplistic for my tastes.>Raraprima is too freaking busy.>Would there be any way to make Volizar's plug-in horns a bit more subtle?>Traffikton is great, but I feel like its bottom portion needs a little something to counterbalance the orange cone up top. It feels a bit top-heavy.>Timberworm is the only regional evo that I think just plain doesn't work. It's interesting to see what Pineco could truly look like, but I think a pile of logs is too far a departure from a Pineco with a leaf on it.