>>33411313print proxies my dude.
Additionally, power didn't creep so much as the numbers got more granular. They just expanded the upper end so they had more increments between biggest and smallest; 30-160 instead of 30-120. It was an intentional change and happened after the transfer from Wizards of the Coast.
There are technically things higher than that, but anything above that gives two prizes when knocked out, meaning they are incredibly costly to lose. They pay dearly for those numbers. Standard max for a basic twoprizer is 180. Standard max for a stage 1 twoprizer is 210. Standard max for a stage 2 twoprizer is 250. Basically, it's the normal progression +70ish. Megas are treated as about a stage 1.5, losing the turn they evolve nets them that equivalent .5 stage stat boost.
In short, EX/GXs have big numbers because they essentially count as two pokemon. Many simply aren't worth running because of it.
As an opposing point to your alleged powercreep, the trainers have actually gotten significantly weaker. Lysandre is Gust of Wind but a Supporter (1 per turn). Professor Oak is now Sycamore, a Supporter. Computer Search was made an Ace Spec (1 per deck). Energy Removal is now Crushing Hammer and requires a coin flip. Devolution Spray now only goes down one stage.
>>33411357lol just play Sylveon Control then.