>>42246730Why? Its a fantastic design. Not a cartoon frog, not a cartoon chameleon, not a cartoon anteater, just a big ass monster fully centered on the visceral idea of a weaponized tongue without being held back by its ties to real animals known for their tongues. Not that there is anything wrong with using "cartoon version of an animal" as a concept if executed well. Arbok and Golbat would be good examples. Sometimes its enough to celebrate the awesomeness real animals such as snakes and bats.
>>42246819sorry buddy but the only truly good design of that batch would be the sea cucumber, maybe the isopod with some slight tweaks. granted theres a few decent ideas but unfortunately terribly executed. for the most part though, its just offensively bad unsalvageable garbage.
>>42246871dear god no, just a ridiculously cluttered hodge podge mess lifted straight from lotr and mythology without a hint of an original twist or attempt at setting up an unifying cohesive design across the board. speaking of design, theres not much too judge in the first place considering its built on textual descriptions rather than visual depictions. just cram piles on top of piles of as many popular fantasy cliches into a single clusterfuck.