>>51779137The fact of the matter is, no one else was strong enough to challenge Leon. Even, who gets hyped up way too much by people who were 10 when Gen 4 came out, would've lost to him. Likely with him only using half of his team before finishing her. Now here comes Ash, who is a lot like Leon and already beat her. If Ash fights him held back by the rules of the tournament, it's basically a handicap and nerf keping him from sshowing his true strength and making it that much easier for Leon to win and still feel unfulfilled. Sure, maybe Ash could somehow pull something off. Maybe he can't. why leave room for doubt, though? Why not just screw the rules and cut loose like a good old fashioned Pokmon battle? It's like a Goku thing. Taking on the opponent at thir absolute best in order to make the fight that much more exciting and fulfilling and even grow more from it.
>>51779204>Why didn't Cynthia get to fight at "full power" and use both D-Max and Mega?Because she lost. If she made it to Leon, she'd likely get the same offer. Now stop being mad tha other don't agree with your angry ramblings.