>>35430308You'll probably be in this week's phox thread.
>>35430454You're a George Foreman Grill.
>>35430530Gen 5 is your favourite outside of the Pokedex.
>>35430542You consider yourself to have been an edgy teenager in the past.
>>35430549Contrary to what one might expect of you, Crawdaunt is actually your waifu.
>>35430614You used to like Dragonite until spergs put you off.
>>35430776Wooper is your favourite.
>>35430810You don't like Fairy types, but Swirlix and Slurpuff get a pass because sugar.
>>35430886You've got an unusual fetish that no one must know about.
>>35430907You are literally me.
>>35430920You're an animefag.