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I did win, but I lost most of my pokemon, however their names are now forever written in the "Hall of Fame".
Plusle and Medicham destroyed the mobs and absolutely mogged Nascour. I put an EXP Share on Plusle so it was Level 62 when I reached Evice.
Evice's Slaking and Salamence were horrifying, but due to having protect I could focus on Salamence on its own, it still managed to sweep Plusle and Medicham before falling to 2 Psychics from Espeon. Scizor walled me hard, Reflect lessened his damage but he took Espeon down, thankfully his other mons fell very fast to Hercross' Brick Break and Megahorn. It took a few turns but thankfully Scizor felt it necessary to boost its attack after an intimidate giving me an extra turn, to attack Stantler's Iron Tail softened his Defence and next turn before he could hit me Brick Break and Take Down managed to whittle him down.
Next up is Gale of Darkness, the final generation 3 game!!