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What is/were your original, most iconic, and/or memorable teams, /vp/? Do you remember the first team you ever had? Any stories about those individual Pokemon such as when you encountered them and why you kept them around?
My first game was Pokemon Blue. I got after a friend stayed the night and showed me Pokemon Red. We played it on my Super Gameboy (SNES/Gameboy device thing). I remember he showed off his Charmeleon, Fearow, and Nidoking a lot. His Nidoking had ice beam and it was bad ass.
When I got the game I picked squirtle and in the end my team was:
Mr. Mime
Mr. Mime was probably my best and I was pretty thrilled to find him in that in-game trade. He leveled so fast and was powerful. Even before I got him I was intrigued by him just because his design was so weird. I remember when I eventually battled my friend I was afraid of his Nidoking but Mr. Mime pulverized him. It was an easy victory.
Later I remember catching Zapdos and using him a bit in vs against my friend. He remains my favorite legendary.
In Gen 2 I picked the water type starter again and wanted to try out new Pokemon, though I wound up with an old favorite.
I tried to raise Togepi but gave up on him when Togetic wouldn't fly or evolve. Guess I was very nice to him. I had no reliable flying type in that gen. Sandslash was pretty awesome, but I retired him for Tyranitar. Larvitar looked cool and when it evolved into Pupitar I knew it would evolve into something awesome later.
I skipped over Gen 3 but played Gen 4. I got Diamond.
Gyarados (shiny!)
This was my strongest team by far. At some point early on my Pokemon caught "pokerus" so they all had high status near the end. I raised Crobat and Blissey just because I'd never raised a Zubat or a Chansey before and I was glad I did. That Crobat was a beast, so damned fast.