>>57240432>I have like 500 gold and single Terapagos is 1200wha it costs 600 to craft a terapagos bwo.. you're looking at the FA one
>how am I supposed to actually build it?to start it's a bit slow as you work through the current battlepass, getting the packs and credits off dupes.
big thing is to do your daily missions to get the purple currency. this lets you buy packs from the shop which is your main income to get the gold currency to craft cards.
spend your purple currency on only this
>>57230019 it's the best thing in the shop to spend them on
also next set (because it's the set where rotation will happen) they'll give everyone 8 free new decks. once that happens you'll basically have all the staples and meta cards from the previous sets so you can focus on crafting newer cards instead