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Since GF has been slowly revisiting older abilities the last few gens, let's make suggestions on what other changes would be interesting
>Hyper Cutter
Now adds an additional +1 Att boost whenever Att gets raised by any level for any reason. Kingler SD becomes +3, Metal Claw has a chance to proc +2 Att now, etc. Would make Hone Claws more amazing too but nothing gets that with this ability -- yet. Also since there's a load more abilities that got the ability to block Intimidate while still doing all their other effects, and there exist abilities that prevent ANY stats for being lowered, it felt like this particular ability needed to have something else to make it stand out. And considering the pokémon that got it, they could use this new option
>Big Pecks
Now adds a 20% boost to the damage of all Flying type attacks. This gives it a built-in Sharp Beak which isn't bad and all of the pokémon who get this ability would absolutely appreciate having more powerful Hurricanes, Air Slashes, etc. My logic is that since the ability is based on having a strong breastbone and muscles, why wouldn't the pokémon have more powerful wing strokes to amplify their damage output when they use flying moves? And I don't think it breaks anybody because the pokémon that get this all don't have a lot of good offensive strength currently or rely on a better ability to get by
>Magma Armor
Becomes more analogous to Water Bubble. Makes the pokémon immune to freeze, immune to ice type attacks, and take 50% less damage from fire and water type attacks. The only two lines that get this ability don't even really benefit that much from this other than turning a 4x water weakness into a 2x weakness. So this doesn't really break it and I think really just fleshes out the ability if anything
>Poison Point/Static/Flame Body
Now work both ways when contact is made, but the chance of them activating drops to 20% and does not stack w secondary effects of moves