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that was an...interesting e4 to say the least, more annoying than i thought it'd be.
Sidney: thought planetfit would just sweep the team, but the mightyena got a sand attack off, the shiftry got a double team up, and then it became a shitshow. had to swap around a lot as it got off a surprising bit of damage on my team while i couldn't hit it, eventually ABBA pulled through with a crit ice beam. then planetfit came back in and killed everything.
Phoebe: planned a blackglasses sweep with raid's crunch, nearly got fucked by dusclop's ice beam. swapped around a bit for each member of her team, eventually spotify killed off the last banette and sableye.
Glacia: planetfit beat down the two sealeos and a glalie but took an icy wind when i stupidly decided to bulk up, didn't want to stay in on the second glalie to take an ice beam which could kill me on crit. no matter, jump killed the glalie, then kojima and spotify killed walrein.
Drake: scariest member of the e4, tried to just beat him down with jump spamming ice beam, kingdra stopped that, was a 3HKO with ice beam so it got up 2 dragon dances, planned to sack planetfit to get a free switch to ABBA and HOPEFULLY not get paralyzed or crit, but drake got greedy and tried to DD again, planetfit killed that, then spotify murdered salamence
Wallace: fun as hell fight, ABBA squared off against wailord as it set up rain, got off a double edge on a low roll, out comes tentacruel, i swapped to kojima but it did a LOT less damage than i thought with psychic while it killed him in return with crit sludge bomb into poison proc, goodbye fren ;( out comes RAID with an EQ, so milotic comes out. sent out jump to toxic it and spam sludge bomb, out comes whiscash, so i send in ABBA to giga drain it, finally the last mon gyarados comes out, i swap to spotify as it dragon dances and lets loose a hyper beam....which misses, allowing spotify to smash it hard with a shock wave for victory.
not a single item used! take notes, schizo anon