>>56063756Postcard there
>>56063982 is retarded and is spreading myths. You can tell he's talking out of his ass because he assumes you're not on android even though secure folder is a Samsung app lmfao
He got banned on his accounts which he played (multiboxed) on mumuplayer on his computer and he thinks everyone has the same experience
NOBODY knows what flags you for a ban
NOBODY has the right to claim that "it doesn't matter what you do within the app itself"
I'm on PGSharp and have yet to see a warning
There are reports of bans for EVERY way of spoofing, including the sacred cow of clueless shitters, rooted method
In his entire bullshit-filled post he's only right that you shouldn't spoof on your main
And now back to you matter, I don't know how to install PGS alongside ipogo, but you can have 2 instances of either in addition to 2 instances of clean pogo (samsung store apk). The doubles are made with secure folder.
You cannot install campfire alongside modified apks either
There probably is a way to modify apks to sideload to your heart's content, but I haven't done that