>pokemon game you started withBlue!
>favorite gameSS or X/Y
>favorite regionKalos
>favorite cityCeladon City!
>favorite starterBulbasaur
>favorite typeFire
>favorite Pokemonmuh Pyroar
>favorite legendaryArticuno?
>favorite gym leaderFlannery or Erika.
>favorite elite four memberGrimsley
>favorite championCynthia!
I cannot be bothered to do this email thing so this is a picture for ants.
>>19703036Kett Turton?
>>19705284It's easier in some way for girls to 'admit' being bisexual? Because there's like some unknown rule that if a guy says he's bisexual, he's just covering up for the fact that he's gay, but if a girl says it, everyone's just like "lol okay cool".