>>53007651>Less customization options than XY, USM and SwShSure, and all better and better selling games than zoomer tranny shit like HGSS and BW2. Your point?
>Pokemon is already piss easy. If you struggle with the main campaign You didn't understand what I said. Actually crafting and making something yourself is a feeling of accomplishment. There's a reason why the games don't just hand you final evolutions for everything at the start, it's so you can build your way up.
Shitnova throws that all out the window for LOL DUDE NOTHING MATTERS. It painfully misunderstands the core of Pokemon, to say nothing of the awful "story".
>Since gen4 you could have facilities and onlineAnd gen 4's online is both long defunct and incredibly unintuitive to get into. Funnily, both of these are issues SV fixes.
>Le content is badOoh, this one's bold. Even among Shitnova retards I've never seen one defend the forced tutorials.
>BW characters actually show character developmentWe've already clarified you've never actually played PLA or SV despite whining about them, don't need to go over that.
But fuck, man. What characters in Shitnova "develop"?
>Keep projectingYeah, I'm the one "projecting". No pozzed bullshit to see here.