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A time-traveller from the future who brings life and light to forests, it appears only in times of peace. Stories say that it occasionally leaves mysterious eggs from another time in the deepest parts of the woods, and that “so long as Celebi appears, a bright and shining future awaits us.” Celebi is the ultimate self-fulfilling prophecy: a paradox being with the power to engineer the circumstances of its own birth at the end of time. Celebi brings back Pokémon eggs from the future in order to seed the world with the genes and species that will one day give rise to its own ancestors, while protecting and nurturing the forest ecosystems that will allow them to thrive. One such egg is its own, brought from the future and hidden deep within the Ilex Forest, which will one day be the place of its birth, and sustained through its millennia-long gestation by the vibrant energy of the entire living forest. Celebi dances through history in intricately choreographed steps, using its formidable psychic abilities to influence events, pushing war and industry away from its precious homeland while gently nudging the people of Johto towards veneration of nature. It may come into contact with humans directly; it may even decide it admires them and submits to capture, staying with them, learning to see the world through their eyes, until they part. Celebi then loops back on itself to continue its work. Far in the future, a species of Pokémon will evolve that possesses an unusually intuitive sense of time, able to pick out the paths of causality and predict future events with perfect precision. Their powers will grow more phenomenal with every generation, ultimately giving rise to the impossible: the final prodigy who will take its own egg and travel back in time to ensure the sequence of events that led to the creation of its own species. That's the bright and shining future Celebi promises: the only possible version of history that culminates with the birth of the immortal.