>complete all Trainer Challenges (Cheat Engine's speedhack to speed up AI games) to get 45 free packs>play through using Basic decks to unlock them for versus play >farm Versus Mode theme ladder for Tokens and Tournament Tickets>Enter tournaments to get TRADABLE chests and packs>DON'T OPEN THEM>Trade them for the cards you actually want for a deck you want to build>Public trade is like the GTS, if you want proper results, put up your own offers. What themedeck should I buy?
>Buy the fucking Incineroar oneResources
>>>> see what your PTCGO stuff is worth, look on the PTCGO forums in the trading section. Trading companies will typically overprice cards, aim lower. Keep pack value in mind when trading.
>> Giveaways:
>Post them as an image with the QR code covered. Bots will snatch plain text or uncovered QRs.>ask for emails and send em individually>Post your pulls unless you're a jewOld thread