>>54882715>one designed around multiplayer and ones that aren't. That's the point.More Bullshit. Explain to me what you see here.
https://youtu.be/-uklE71iEMA?t=77The fact you're implying that Dynamax raids weren't designed for multiplayer is just straight up retardation. It's time to drop the subject anon. Tera Raids are shitty slog with a ton of problems. Ignoring those problems doesn't make them go away.
>They aren't that much harder than 5 stars making them possible to solo with ease.More Bullshit. 6 star raid pokemon are MUCH harder with different sets than their 5 Star counterparts and have better rewards. Not a single Five star raids drops ability patches.
>That's what we call confirmation bias.>That's why I'm comparing SV and SS raidsVisiting Social sites are good indication to get a general feel of how the populous is feeling. As much as I hate these sites, they are used by the majority of people who play these games. The amount of deflection and praise you're giving these raids make you the minority. And as I said before, I'm talking about S/V not SS. SS raids were designed with multiplayer in mind, just like Tera Raids.
>The only reason you don't consider SV to have a lot of content is because of your arbitrary rules for content when in reality it has more than SS, SM and XY.Yeah this is going nowhere. I'm not going to repeat myself ad nauseam. I don't consider SV to have alot of content because it simply doesn't have alot of content compared to past titles. If wanting more content above the bare minimum counts as "arbitrary rules" then you and me have nothing more to talk about. Trying to convince me S/V are flawless and that's simply not true. It's actually impossible to have a discussion with anyone who thinks Scarlet and Violet are "the best" games ever because they see no flaws in them. SV doesn't even have a battle facility, yet, SS,SM and XY do. SwSh was the absolute bare minimum and it can't even live up to that, which pathetic.