>>43326358>>43327007It's honestly very straightforward but I'll explain it a little anyway for the sake of it. Get 2 Pidgeottos set up and hope you can get all the stuff you want every turn. Even if you have a bad start you can still turn it around since after you start thinning the deck you'll find in later turns you seem to get everything you need
Generally your goal is to end your turn with two Pidgeottos, something to pivot to (usually Goomy) and a Hoothoot ready to evolve next turn. You need to get a Noctowl and a TCE every turn if possible. If you can't use Noctowl for the first two or three turns you can attack it's not that bad. Just try to keep your Pidgeottos safe in the early goings. I've used three Pidgeottos at a time and found success but you want to have two so you have enough space in case you need it for a Phione or whatever.
Basic strategy is to Noctowl away whatever is most useful to them or anything with decent energy. Most decks you can pretty much lock down with the Goomy pivot and the Welders will fall soon enough anyway. I haven't faced a Porygon-Z deck but they shouldn't be too much trouble because you can just Noctowl the Porygon-Z. Generally if you think you're about to get hit and don't want to lose your Goomy, pivot into a Poke Doll instead.
One of the biggest issues I've had is retreating. The only way to retreat is to draw into one of your three retreating tools. Lysandre's Lab kind of fucks this deck. You'll probably find yourself stuck for a turn or two here or there because you just can't draw the fucking U-Turn Board. The Balloon is in the deck in case they run Absol. I usually put a U-Turn Board on my Goomys and have one of those or the Air Balloon on a Pidgeotto in case things get annoying and you have to use something else to retreat around.
Think that's all I can think of in terms of tips. Just keep Noctowling away anything you think will help them and spam Phione to manipulate what is in the Active.