>>54477325Even with an 8 level advantage, you really can't underestimate Revenge. A crit from Veteran Brian's Level 26 Machoke ends up wiping out Kinguin before the Fantina fight.
>Vs Fantina>DrifblimSecret hits it with Thunderbolt and takes a Hex in return.
Next, Secret sets up a Light Screen to shrug of another Hex. Another Thunderbolt dispatches the Drifblim, but Aftermath takes a chunk out of Secret.
>GengarIt uses Confuse Ray on Secret, who paralyzes it with Nuzzle. In retrospect, a Persim Berry would've been better than the WiseGlasses.
Secret then hits itself, and Gengar gets fully paralyzed.
Thunderbolt hits decently hard but gets disabled by Cursed Body, but Secret does snap out of confusion. Sludge Bomb does passable damage, and Light Screen fades.
Secret sets up another Screen, gets Confuse Ray'd, then I switch in Kelly on a Sludge Bomb.
Gengar then falls to Spec Shadow Ball. Kelly levels up to 37.
>MismagiusFalls immediately to Shadow Ball.