>>44508147>However, you are how you are currently (age, weight, clothes, experiences)... but I'm naked.
>town/cityI guess Hulbury, my city is my country's "nautical capital" and there's a football stadium 1.5km away from my home.
>do firstGet clothes, I assume with those 100$ I could afford a basic t-shirt and pants.. wait, I just re-read, you get that after the exam.. Well, then I'd try to remain as calm as possible and explain my situation, hopefully someone lends me something for the exam before I can buy my own stuff.
>first PokemonSince I'm in Galar, I'd go for Rookidee without second thought (Corviknight is my favorite overall, but I do know I wouldn't be able to evolve it right away and that realistically it'd be a slow process). If for some reason I get offered a starter, I'd go for Scorbunny, otherwise I'm perfectly content with Rookidee alone.
Though tempting, I'd try to hold on to the other two pokeballs for a while just in case.
>trainer classDon't really see myself boxing myself into a specific class.
>other infoSince getting warped into another world must surely be very confusing, I'd try to win enough money through battling to get a nice, small house and try to live a comfy life with Pokemon I like, like well, Corviknight, Cinderace if I did get it, a cute, little Glaceon, basically cutemons, etc. Don't know how the dexcut works within the world, but if I could I'd also get a Swadloon, my second favorite.
Maybe after a while if I get accustomed I could see into more professional battling but I'd just try to live a tranquil life, honestly.