Above is my online deck (except i swapped 1 necrozma for a field blower). I'd had a series of ideas on how to improve the deck (turning it into a full psychic deck, with silvally as the core and techs supporting it), which I was mostly able to execute in my paper deck (below), and they seem to have more or less worked out, but it seemed like I lost a bit of consistency.
Other than adding back in the second Necrozma (i only had 1 irl, and my FLGS was out of stock on them), how can I tighten it up? I'm thinking of ditching one of the mewtwos for the Necrozma, and I can afford to run 8-9 basic energy, but I kind of wish I had room to add in a couple stadiums (for shrine), and bring back the TV reporters (acerola's been kind of niche).
Sableye is still a champ, but Chimecho, here
>>36470422 has been decent enough, but it's slightly more niche than I expected; Rare Candy and Energy Evolution circumvent it. I switched the orangurus because I didn't use Instruct much, and Resource Management is fantastic, but losing the damage from Psychic kind of sucks.