Cats on [adult swim], innovative but not enough to beat 30 minutes of fucking mayo.
>>11839233Tuesday at the very latest.>>11838513 walk around the laboratory looking for anything that catches your mind so you can kill time, when, suddenly, someone catches your ye.
This is because in all your time working at Professor Rowan's lab, not once have you seen this person.
It's a girl.
Since when has Rowan ever employed a girl here?
But like most girls you've known, (which is probably none aside from your mom.) erm..."seen", she's not smiling, or giggling or any of that stuff.
The girl is huddled in a corner, hugging herself, staring blankly at the floor.
She's about your age.
She also has blue hair...
Yeah, that's not natural at all.
You have black hair with a kinda blue tint to it, which is inherited really. But her? All of her hair is blue, blue There's just no simile for that.
The girl doesn't seem to do a thing but stare at the floor, eyes blank like a puppet. She doesn't even move a muscle. Weird... How come you haven't seen her here before? Is she new?
You eventually drop the subject, the girl may be ahem, pretty, but she's also quite the oddity, and it's not your business to prowl about on gossiping about her anyhow.
You quickly grab an experimental pin that was leftover from a recent experiment. It's not much, but it could come in handy.
>Head where?A) The Sub-Labs.
B) You've killed enough time. Meet up with Rowan.