>>24922389Also while checking I just learned RaikoP and RaikoA got their movesets tinkered with, because Hemo.
RaikoP lost Brave Song (i.e. +2 Special Attack); kind of sucks but base 65 speed meant she couldn't really use it anyways. She does gets Skanda instead to shore up said base 65 speed, which is probably more relevant overall. Probably an overall buff, although she's still completely walled by light types and Skanda conflicts to some degree with Lightning Speed.
RaikoA meanwhile lost Descrendo, which REALLY really sucks, but gets made much more like RotomA in the actual Pokemon games to compensate: She now learns Will'o'Wisp, she gets Pain Split, and she gets the Electric type version of Giga Drain if Pain Split is too unreliable for you. Also she can set Genbu up now if you care about that sort of thing.
And RaikoE still gets Lightning Speed for pivot stuff despite losing the electric type and having only base 60 SpATK. So 100/100/100 defenses, base 100 speed, can make fast things lose their speed completely by putting Shocked on them, can hit physical attackers hard with STAB Revolving Illusion, 5 resistances, 2 immunities, only 3 weaknesses...
Raiko is being good this expansion.