>>54827138>>54825264For the Pokémon death department, we lost Buizel to a Self-Destruct during grinding. Definitely fucked up my plan for Fantina.
We defeated Fantina, but it was not an honorable victory. Potion spamming was involved, but to compensate, I made my Togepi use Metronome all 10 times. If he he dies, he dies.
Surprisingly, he lived that entire encounter with Mismagius, but the real MVP was my Budew who I had to switch in as an emergency heal up, and landed the Stun Spore first try. It made things hell of a lot easier. After getting rid of the Psybeams with Encore, my Crobat healed up and finished the Mismagius off, and killed the Haunter.
I usually try to avoid potions in trainer fights, but fuck.