Help I'm reading too deeply into a game character whose main traits are being nice and making sad puppy pouts with his big lip.
>>52321527You're right. Even if he's had the academy staff and other students there's still a lack of personal intimacy like you'd have one-on-one with a parent or sibling you live with daily. His experience is in keeping himself fed and dressed and independently motivated, so when he interacts with other people he just has what's got him by in school and travelling with his pokemon. I think that makes his excitement and his worries quite sweet, because they're genuine. His journey with the player character is possibly the first time in ages he's spoken at length and expressed himself with someone else, so no wonder he sounds like a hesitant goofball at points.
>>52321601>failed a year>ends up in a class where everyone is smaller than him>gets embarrassed when he can't answer questions as well as the younger kidsOh no it's cute.