>>42467748>How badly do you want to be able to legitimately obtain a Glameow? If you don't care then there's literally no reason to play Diamond or Pearl over Platinum.*ahem*
-Pearl is the only official mainline Pokemon game to date where Glameow is in the regional Pokedex as well as obtainable in the game without transfer. It is possible to catch a Glameow in ORAS, but it requires finding the right Mirage Spot. Glameow isn’t a part of the regional Pokedex, either.
-Murkrow, Misdreavus, Glameow, and Stunky must be traded over to Platinum; additionally, Clamperl and Trapinch are not found in Platinum.
-Some minor Pokemon trainer changes, some are harder while others are easier.
-Some minor wild Pokemon differences (not counting the new regional Pokedex Pokemon), such as Gible being unobtainable without HM Strength.
-Some higher level wild Pokemon, notably Lv66 Golbat, Haunter, Bronzong, Lunatone, and Solrock in Turnback Cave.
-Some of the Pokemon sprites arguably look better in Diamond and Pearl than in Platinum, such as Golbat, Machamp, Gyarados, Budew, Snover, Rhyperior, etc.
-The player characters arguably look better in Diamond and Pearl than in Platinum.
-Electirizer and Magmarizer are more easily found on wild Elekid and Magby than on wild Electabuzz and Magmar in Platinum. However, this requires the use of Dual-slot mode with FireRed and LeafGreen respectively. The increased chance of the items is also a version difference, with Electirizer being more common in Diamond and Magmarizer being more common in Pearl. Note that you are given one of each in Platinum, but not in Diamond and Pearl.
-Amity Square is better designed for grinding accessories because it is an open field as opposed to a cluttered miniature model of Sinnoh. However, Platinum does have a daily gift from a man in Amity Square, which can alleviate the need to grind accessories altogether.