Abilities: Tangled Feet/Strong Jaw/Intimidate
Ht: 2'03"
Wt: 17.6lbs
Stats: 30/55/25/20/20/60
Dex: "Paleonychus, the Weakling Pokémon. Don't be fooled by their intimidating appearance, Paleonychus are quite weak and frail. Scientists say that they're only still alive because Prettybird are good parents and defend their nests."
Evolves into Araraptor at level 16
Abilities: Tangled Feet/Strong Jaw/Fluffy
Ht: 2'11"
Wt: 22.0lbs
Stats: 50/80/45/40/40/85
Dex: "Araraptor, the Feather Pokémon. Once thought to be extinct, it was a revolutionary discovery that Araraptor linked Paleonychus and Prettybird in evolution. Araraptor, Archeops, and Hesprominous are strong evidences that some extinct dinosaur Pokémon actually had feathers."
Evolves into Prettybird at level 33
Abilities: Tangled Feet/Strong Jaw/Fluffy
Ht: 7'11"
Wt: 33.0lbs
Stats: 80/120/65/55/55/120
Dex: "Prettybird, the Parrot Pokémon. Their bright feathers, docile personalities, and high intelligence make Prettybird popular pets. However, their beaks and claws are very strong and can crush an Indian elephant's skull, so you don't want to make them mad."
Based on dromaeosaurids (both inaccurate Jurassic Park-style reconstructions and accurate birdlike feathered reconstructions), Archaeopteryx, scarlet macaws, cockatoos, and literal biological evolution.