This shit is ultimate buttfuckery. You think your shitty trades are good? Thing thing punches enemies in 3 ways and it's good at it. After evolving, it oneshots basically 80% of Orre's population. And it can learn Light Screen if you your team needs it. And occasional Static helps greatly when catching Shadow Pokemon.
Did I mention that the trade takes like 10 seconds so it can be easily reseted for great IVs?
>>33880057Mr. Mime for Abra before 3rd/4th badge. Rare Farfetch'd, Jynx and Lickitung. Ability to have level 3 Electrode. Man, first generation has amazing trades, indeed.
On the other hand, generation 3 in-game trades are absolute garbage. You get Pokemon with 0-5 IVs and almost all of them are either common (Makuhita, Skitty, Seedot, Plusle) or underwhelming (fucking Corsola or Horsea in Pacifidlog).