Well, Dunsparce is preety cool, a Teddyursa wouldn't have been this good until Pryce.
>Against Falkner: a couple Defense Curls and win with Rage.>Against Bugsy: 6 DC against Metapod and then Rage.>Against Whitney: Mugen puts Clefairy to sleep and growls at her 6 times in case she pulls some bulshit like an Explosion. He puts her to sleep again and Tsuchinoko comes in to do the usual. Clefairy starts Double Slapping after max DC, boosting Rage to obnoxious ammounts of damage. Miltank gets two shotted.Also a Pichu came out of the Odd Egg. I want to go all the way up to Red and dab on him by killing his Pikachu with her, should not be too hard since Pika is not holding a light Ball this gen.
>>43637077How did you evolve Zonz and Pamcho? Nice Venasaur name btw.
>>43636721>>43636198>>43636190>>43636188The round boy can be pretty difficult to catch though, it knows amnesia and rest and can easily kill a mon or two if you are aaround the same level. But yes, using It feels preety cheap.