>https://rentry.org/ChrPromptI might as well finally answer the questions presented here as I didn't notice them earlier, whoops!
>Do humans scare you?Not humans themselves, but the circumstances around them do. Why are so many appearing at once all of the sudden? I've heard humans being transported here was stuff of legend but it seems to be getting less and less rare now. Are there other human guilds around the world? Or has every new human been transported into this one local area for some inexplicable reason? I don't think it's random chance, and I fear what greater context of the influx of humans is.
>What's your opinion on the Kecleon Group? I wouldn't be surprised if the Kecleon Group was some sort of company, the fact that they're spread so far and wide, even selling stuff in mystery dungeons feels like it's a part of a business model than some local gig. They're smart merchants, wouldn't get on their bad side.