Quoted By:
>Be 9
>Ruby had just came out
>Spend all my time playing it
>Would get in trouble playing it late at night when I was supposed to be sleeping
>The summer comes
>My dad was a carpenter and I would have to go to the building site with him since we could never find anybody to look after me since school was out
>I would bring my gameboy advance with tons of batteries to pass the time since there wasn't anything else for me to do there
>I would spend days playing ruby
>sometime in July I believe, I made it to the elite 4
>I beat them in that same day
>I was so excited I rushed and told my dad
>He was incredibly busy and I remember he was on a ladder working with electrical wiring
>He still had time to congratulate me on something he had no idea about
I can't remember if he was only congratulating me to get me out of the way since he was busy or if he was really glad I did that. I've always been going with the latter since my dad's always been a supportive man. Thanks for everything you've done for me, dad.