>Ziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip!~"Well, well, WELL, would ya look at that! A smooth, snug body to call my own! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAHAAHAHAHEEEEEEEE! Sure, I had to extract her old, ratty skeleton from out of her body, but other than that, it's a definite fit!"
The voice that comes out of Serena's body isn't hers at all, it's actually Jacques, who has murdered your waifu and harvested her body as his own, albeit without some flaws. There are bits and jagged tears ridden throughout Serena's slowly paling body, rotten clumps of dead flesh falling to the ground and revealing the bone underneath.
"WHAT'S WRONG, GHOST-BOY? NEVER SEEN A GIRL BEFORE? HAAAAHAAAAHAAAAHAAAAAHEEEEHEEEEEEEEEE! And you know what else? I still have your Butterfingers too, and I know for a fact that a stickler like you would NEVER hurt a person with the face of your beloved! You. Are. DOOMED! HER SOUL IS LOST FOREVER AND THE DEVIL SHALL REIGN IN AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF CANDIED TREATS!"
Hearing that eerily annoying cackle come out of Serena's mouth is almost too uncanny to fully detail. Convinced that you're too scarred-for-life to do anything else, Jacques gets started on finishing the satanic star he was working on earlier.
Noticing your sheer mortification, Ruiji shuffles over to you and nudges your leg, "U-Uh.. M-Mr. Calem.. I-I'm scared! I'm scared, what do we do?! I-I may look like a big 'ol skull but I'm just a big 'ol baby on the inside!"
A) "I....I don't know.."
B) Jacques has a perfect solution for you!